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Python: Bar chart from text and CSV
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Python: Bar chart from text and CSV
This page shows how to use Python to read and parse text and CSV data with names and counts and make a simple bar chart.

2. Representing and processing count data
Here are links to the topic series of representing and processing data. R examples: Python examples: JavaScript and D3 examples: Julia examples: ... more to be added ...

3. Text data
Here is the text data to be read.
a:59900 b:11302 c:14311 d:34483 e:95247 f:17852 g:13528 h:62509 i:46347 j:2321 k:4449 l:25939 m:19154 n:51311 o:54741 p:9918 q:183 r:37468 s:44630 t:72396 u:20651 v:7458 w:18376 x:376 y:14814 z:234

The delimiter is the colon character ":".

4. Parameters
Some required parameters can be assigned as variables.

Some others are omitted. Defaults used.

5. Read and process text
To text is read from a file as text.

6. Process text
The text is processed to split and output.

Note the conversion of count1 from string to integer.

7. Complete program
Here is the Python code [#4]

8. Output
Here is the output of the Python code.

9. Chart
This is a simple bar chart for the present purposes. Future topics will cover how to make it look nicer.
Count by Letter

10. CSV data
Here is the CSV data to be read.
a,59900 b,11302 c,14311 d,34483 e,95247 f,17852 g,13528 h,62509 i,46347 j,2321 k,4449 l,25939 m,19154 n,51311 o,54741 p,9918 q,183 r,37468 s,44630 t,72396 u,20651 v,7458 w,18376 x,376 y,14814 z,234

Whenever custom handling of CSV files is required, a language such as Python can be used.

The csv module is required.

11. Parameters
Some required parameters can be assigned as variables.

Some others are omitted. Defaults used.

12. Read CSV
The csv file is read and processing using the csv module. This is preferred as the delimiters, quotes, etc., are handled automatically.

In this case, the complete table is forced (eager evaluation) so that the file can be closed and processing done elsewhere.

13. Process CSV
The CSV file that has been read can now be read as a 2D table - a list of lists of values.

Note the conversion of count1 from string to integer.

14. Complete program
Here is the Python code [#9]

15. Output
Here is the output of the Python code.

16. Chart
This is a simple bar chart for the present purposes. Future topics will cover how to make it look nicer.
Count by Letter

17. CSV as text
Note that csv files are stored and read as text. When it is important that certain data be numeric fields, explicit conversion is necessary.

18. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640