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Top down programming
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Top down programming

2. Computer science
Programming fallacyFallacy: You should require beginning programming students to use top-down programming.
Problem solving in computer science is best done using top-down programming. Why do many computer science programs require beginning students to do "top-down programming"?

3. Top-down programming
Question to famous computer scientist Tony Hoare (British computer scientist) . Why is it so hard to teach (or require) beginning programmers top-down programming?

4. Top-down programming
Arrow illusion verticalYou cannot teach beginners top-down programming, because they don't know which end is up. Tony Hoare.

Problem-solving methodology:
Compare to Waterfall method, SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle), etc.

Information sign More: Tony Hoare

5. Top-down programming
Programming fallacyFallacy: One should implement a computer program in a top-down manner.
The phrase "top-down programming" is deceptive. Have you ever tried to write a program "top-down"?

Do it once and you will see that it does not work very well. The phrase "top down programming" refers to a "top-down program design" and then a "bottom-up program implementation".

Many people try to do "top down programming" by doing "top-down coding".

Some teachers who have never really used the method will teach this fallacy to their students. How would you define a "programmer".

6. Divide and conquer
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it René Descartes (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician)

Information sign More: René Descartes

7. Fix-it decision tree

 1. First decision 
 2. Second decision 
 3. True positive 
 4. True negative 
 5. False positive 
 6. False negative 
 7. Decision tree 

Information sign More: Divide and conquer

8. Maze generation

 1. Maze 1 
 2. Maze 2 
 3. Maze 3 
 4. Maze 4 
 5. Maze 5 
 6. Maze 6 
 7. Maze 7 
 8. Maze 8 
 9. Maze 9 
 10. Maze 10 
 11. Maze 11 
 12. Maze 12 
 13. Maze 13 
 14. Maze 14 
 15. Maze 15 

Web site:

In-line SVG (formatter Lua)
Lua to SVG
JavaScript and SVG
JavaScript and SVG and D3

Information sign More: Divide and conquer

9. Divide and conquer
A divide and conquer problem solving method starts with a goal. At each point in the implementation, unit testing is added for each part and abstractions made as needed.

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10. Top-down vs. bottom-up

 1. Direct to goal 
 2. Indirect to goal 
 3. Missing goal 
 4. What goal? 

A top-down design insures one will get to the goal.

A bottom-up design may require extra work and may not get to the goal.

11. Divide and conquer: top-down and bottom-up

 1. Top down 
 2. Backward chaining 
 3. Top down - flipped 
 4. Backward chaining - flipped 

There are various names for a top-down backward-chaining divide and conquer problem solving strategy.

Information sign More: Divide and conquer: top-down and bottom-up

12. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640