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Robin Snyder
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Robin Snyder
I used this web site for many years to run my college and university classes when I was a professor. I try to put interesting things on this site. One of my research interest is in complex text formatting systems whose goal is to make it easy to create documents, presentations, web pages, images, programs, etc., in an integrated manner while handling redundancies in a convenient and powerful manner. When not developing content for classes, etc., I create content to help with the development of these text formatting concepts. Here are some recent additions.

2. ASCUE talks from June 14, 2022
ASCUE logo

3. Representing and processing count data
Here are links to the topic series of representing and processing data. R examples: Python examples: JavaScript and D3 examples: Julia examples: ... more to be added ...

4. Recursive maze generation and visualization
Here are links to a series on recursive maze generation and visualization (more coming)

5. Other recent additions
The following are related topics. (to help locate items on this site)

by RS : 1024 x 640