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Matplotlib: World population
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Matplotlib: World population
Consider the following world population estimates going back in time.

The data is from (2020-03-09)

2. Population data

Year Population -5000 5000000 -4000 7000000 -3000 14000000 -2000 27000000 -1000 50000000 -500 100000000 -200 150000000 200 190000000 600 200000000 700 210000000 800 220000000 900 240000000 1000 275000000 1100 320000000 1200 360000000 1400 350000000 1500 450000000 1600 500000000 1700 610000000 1760 770000000 1804 1000000000 1850 1200000000 1900 1600000000 1927 2000000000 1951 2584034261 1960 3034949748 1970 3700437046 1980 4458003514 1990 5327231061 2000 6143493823 2010 6956823603 2020 7794798739

3. Line chart
Here is the Python code [#1]

Here is the output of the Python code.

4. Population line chart
world population over timeHere is the world population plotted over time. Note: The y-axis uses an exponential notation.

5. Linear fit to nonlinear problem
world population over timeA linear fit for the world population plotted over time is not a good fit.

6. Log fit to nonlinear problem
world population over timeA log-linear fit for the world population plotted over time is a better fit.

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640