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Area using trapezoidal method
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Area using trapezoidal method
In general, discrete mathematics is much more relevant in building software than is continuous mathematics.

2. Integral calculus
The purpose of integral calculus is to calculate the length along a line, the area under a curve, the volume in a surface. The area under function f(x) from x1 to x2 can be expressed in integral calculus as follows.

equation for area integral

3. Discrete curve approximation

4. Integral calculus
Integral calculus is used to calculate the area under a curve.

Discrete approximation: trapezoidal method

5. Trapezoidal method
area of a trapezoidThe trapezoidal method is used to approximate the area under the curve by dividing the curve into trapezoids and adding the area of each trapezoid.

6. Summary
The trapezoidal method approximates the area under a curve by approximating the integral Equation of continuous area integrationwith the explicit summation Equation for discrete area summation

7. More details
Consider a sequence of n+1 points (xi, f(xi)) where 0 ≤ i ≤ n. Two adjacent points are The area under the trapezoid formed by these two points is

8. Algorithm
So the algorithm to determine the area under the curve is as follows. In cases where the differences between each of the xi and xi+1 is the same, the algorithm may be simplified to the following. In order to improve the machine performance of the algorithm, the multiplication by (x2-x1) and the division by 2.0 need be done only once. What is the purpose of the trapezoidal method? Give a specific example.

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640