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Cron jobs
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Cron jobs
In Linux, a cron job can run a scheduled task at a given date, time, or time interval.

The word cron comes from the Greek «Χρόνος» meaning "time" and from which we get words such as "chronology".

The Windows task scheduler does a similar task, but is (I think) more difficult to set up.

These instructions are oriented towards a Raspberry Pi running Raspian. Other Linux versions may have variations.

2. List
The following command shows the cron jobs.
crontab -l

The following command allows one to edit the cron jobs.
crontab -e

3. Example

# m h dom mon dow command # 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * sudo python /rms/G/PYTHON1.PY/ # 0 7,13,19 * * * sudo python /rms/G/PYTHON1.PY/ # 10 1 * * * sudo python /rms/G/PYTHON1.PY/ # 20 2 * * * sudo python /rms/G/PYTHON1.PY/ # 30 3 * * * sudo python /rms/G/PYTHON1.PY/ @reboot source /rms/G/BSX.BSH/rmsboot1.bsh cron

Note: These cron jobs have been disabled since the start with the comment symbol "#". Note that a specified command can be run after a boot or reboot of the system.

4. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640